How to use our App...
Step 1 - Download app
Download the app from Apple store or Google Play Store.
Search Marine Farming
Step 2 - Sign up
Fill out "Sign me up!" form
Or email the following info to:
- Your first & last name *
- The email you want to use for the app *
- Your Ops Manager & the company you work for. (If applicable)
Step 3 - Log in
You will be emailed a log in & password.
When this happens you will be able to log into the app.
Please note: You need to be in coverage to log in initially, once logged in the app will stay logged in and you will be able to use it when you have no coverage.
Forgotten password: Please email

Step 4 - Home screen
Once logged in, you will see the home screen options:
1. Create New Reports
This is where the data gets entered
2. Pending Reports
These are reports that you have entered offline so if there are any reports sitting in this box, you will need to select "Sync Reports" when you are back in coverage.
3. All reports
Once reports are entered they will sit in here.

Step 5 - Create new report
Please don't use this form, for MFA Environment mentors only.
Please don't use this form, for MFA Environment mentors only.
This report should be used if you have done a beach clean and need to report your findings. The MFA use this data in several ways so if we get lots of reports, we get a clearer picture from the data.
- Select "Create new reports" from the home screen & you will see a drop-down menu.
- Tap in the blank box that says "Select an item"
- Select "Beach Debris Report" from the drop-down menu.
- Then press "Create report"
- Choose the bay you cleaned by typing it into the search area
*These have been set up from the beach cleaning roster of assigned areas. - If you can’t find the bay, there are general options eg. Pelorus Sound_Other, if you select a general area, please add the actual bay/area in the notes, then we can add it for the future.
- Enter "People Time" = Number of people x Number of hours cleaning. (To the nearest quarter hour eg: 1.25 hours). Enter just a number, no text.
- Enter "Vessel Time" = Number of hours steaming + downtime while beach cleaning. (To the nearest quarter hour eg: 1.25 hours). Enter just a number, no text.
- Enter " Aquaculture debris " from Marine Farming debris found = a rough guide for weight is a 9L bucket full is around 1.5kg. Enter just a number, no text.
- Select what types of rope you have found (if you know).
- Enter "Other debris" found, this is anything you have picked up that isn't Aquaculture debris from Marine Farming. Enter just a number, no text.
- Enter "Notes" - this can be anything else you feel we need to know. And where you enter the bay, you cleaned if you had to make a general selection above.
- Enter “Photos” you will be able to enter up to 5 photos.
- "Company" should default if set up properly, if you are not a member, you should see "Casual Beach Cleaner"
- Enter "Contact phone number" - just in case we need more information.
- Once you are happy - "Press either SUBMIT or SUBMIT & ENTER FLOATS"
**Please note that if you have collected floats, these should NOT be entered in the Beach Clean form, they should be entered in the Float Collection form. If you click “Submit & enter floats” you will be taken to the correct area to enter floats.
*Please note you will need to enter a float collection report per bay or area.
- Select "Create new reports" from the home screen & you will see a drop-down menu.
- Tap in the blank box that says "Select an item"
- Select "Float Collection Report" from the drop-down menu.
- Then press "Create report"
- Choose the bay you collected the float from by typing it into the search area. If you can’t find the bay, there are general options eg. Pelorus Sound_Other, if you select a general area, please add the actual bay in the notes, then we can add it for the future.
- You will need to fill in one report per area/bay
- Enter "Number of floats" -. Enter just a number, no text.
- Enter "Float ID" - if you can’t find the ID on the float or it's not in the list, select "NO ID", if you can find the ID but it's not in the list, enter the ID into the notes and we will add it.
- If you have multiple ID’s at one bay/area, click on “Click to choose float” after you have entered the first one, and you will be able to enter the next ID & quantity, you can keep doing this until all the ID’s have been entered for that area. Then move on.
- Tell us where you took the floats after collection - and if anything, further needs done about it
- Enter "Comments" - this can be anything else you feel we need to know.
- Enter “Photos” you will be able to enter up to 5 photos.
- "Company" should default if set up properly, if you are a member of the public, you should see "Casual Beach Cleaner"
- Enter "Contact phone number" - just in case we need more information.
- Once you are happy - "Press SUBMIT"
If you spot floats but cant get to them to collect them, please complete this form -
If you spot a rogue float(s) but can’t get to there to pick them up for some reason (this could be because your vessel can’t access the area, weather etc).
Please complete the “Float Spotter” form in the app, that way the MFA can get someone in the area to collect the floats asap before they float off again.
**We highly recommend all vessels carrying a dingy so all can get onto tricky beaches to retrieve lost floats**
This report exists for feedback & complaints – good, bad, or otherwise.
You may also have a great idea or suggestion for us, we know that the best ideas come from the cold face, so this is a great place to put your ideas forward.
Final words.
The app will stay logged in, if you want to log out.
On your device screen, swipe your finger from left to right and it will open up a "logout" option.
Any problems, queries or concerns...
Contact us
Contact us
Phone: 03 578 5044
Physical address:
Ground Floor - WK Building
2 Alfred Street
Postal address:
PO Box 86
Blenheim 7201